Saturday, February 26, 2011

Natural Hair style-two-strand twist 'n' bun

So one of my friends suggested that I do a natural hair style book so she could get some ideas on styling her hair. At first I was like ahhhh?? I don't know because I'm so random and I just do different things with my hair and don't keep track on what I do. So giving people ideas without fully explaning it to them on how to do it would be a no go. But, I've came to my senses, and decided to journal every hair style I did or  every style that I plan to do so I can give other naturals ideas. Hope you like!


What you will need:

A pack of Jumbo Braiding weave
Bobby pins
Ponytail holder


  1. What?? Did i inspire you to do this?? Yay!! Awesome feeling lol :-)

  2. LOL yea I decided to take your advice..
