I honestly don't know where to start. The reason why I began blogging more was because I had to for my Media Relations class which I liked because I started to read more about PR, business and many other things that people should be known to stay aware of what's changing in PR. But if it wasn't for my PRSSA advisor and professor Todd Simon I wouldn't of taken this class at all. Todd told me that taking his Media Relations course would be very beneficial for me, seeing as how I wanted to go into sports, and in this field, media relations is very important. I was done with all my credits to graduate but because he believed in me and told me that I would be okay I decided to go for it. Todd encouraged me a lot because I didn't have the experience that my peers had and because I jumped quickly into the JMC school I wasn't that confident in my abilities but Todd gave me hope.
But last Tuesday morning around 10:15 a.m. I received the most shocking news that no one saw coming. On Monday night news broke that Todd died of a massive Heart Attack, late Monday afternoon. It was just so shocking and unreal because Monday afternoon he sent an email out to the class about what readings we were going to discuss the following day. I just couldn't believe what was going on. I thought to myself that this had to be a joke and I'm just going to go to class and he will walk in with a stack of papers with coffee in hand. Todd made everyone laugh although sometimes it was at him but, all of us had a soft spot for Todd and the things he did and said will never be forgotten. "Todd-isms" will forever remain within those who knew him well enough to know that he printed all his notes for classes, that he was allergic to Latex paint and that he always said "well" before everything and drove a Buick which he always tried to use it as a reference for something related to PR and most of all his love for Caribou Coffee.
Todd you will forever remain in our thoughts and hearts.
R.I.P. Toddy